The slab has been laid. The angle of the slab is crucial for the solar passive design to work - due North to within 11deg either way. The slab is concrete; this will also be the finished flooring of the house. The slab is finished with a helicopter polisher. The slab is then protected as the frame is erected onto it.
Here is a view of the start of the frame work. It is a combination of a wood frame and double brick. The double brick helps with the thermal mass. The winter sun is low enough to come into the house and be captured by the brick and the slab. It is then released later in the day/evening when the outside temperature drops. This is not a problem in the summer due to the angle of the roof.
The main room of the house has a raked ceiling. Once again it is at a certain angle to allow the winter sun in, drenching the rooms with glorious sunlight. Large double doors and high windows will enable this to happen. This room will open out onto the timber deck. From here all you can see is beautiful north-facing views. This room has been designed to be the hub of family living here.
If you have questions about this house or anything at all please email us at